HTTP vs HTTPS: All You Need to Know

HTTP vs HTTPSAs for HTTP vs HTTPS comparison, knowing the difference might save you from online troubles. The internet is a staple of our lives – we take it for granted and most people use the internet on a daily basis. We search Google information on different subjects, we look at news websites, and we upload to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Each of these actions requires an internet connection and it is something we don’t even think about.

Even more so, we don’t consider the underlying protocols and systems the internet uses to show us information. It is important, however, to have a basic knowledge of these systems, and which ones are preferable to use.

In this article, we look specifically at application layer protocols – what is HTTPS and HTTP. These protocols are used to distribute information over the web, and we use them to access our favorite websites. There are key differences between HTTP and HTTPS, and it is important to understand why HTTPS is considered the better option for website access – find out more in the below text!

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