Icecream Apps: Software Development in Numbers

Recently we’ve reached a milestone of 10,000 likes on Facebook and 1000 followers on Twitter and thus we decided to tell our supporters a bit more about how we work and develop our software. Quality software development is a complicated process involving lots of people and numerous technical details. Today we’ll try to tell a bit more about this process in numbers so it would be more easy to understand.
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Icecream Apps Answers Frequently Asked Questions

Icecream Apps Answers Frequently Asked QuestionsIf you think that reaching us through our contact form is useless and your message will be lost, you are absolutely wrong. We receive plenty of questions, feedback, advice, and demands on a daily basis and we answer them ASAP. That’s the reason why we decided to list the most frequently asked questions that Icecream Apps receives from its users, followers, supporters and, hopefully, friends.
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