Best Open Source Software: Essential Picks

Best open source softwareThe internet is packed full of software solutions. Open source software is software which source code you can find, view and modify. Since the code of OSS software is available to everyone the users can use programs with such licensing for free.

Open Source projects are usually completely free or incredibly inexpensive. Also, this type of software is usually universally accessible and has an excellent host of supporting documentation. In this guide, we look at five of the best open source software solutions available in various fields including media players and audio editors.

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Top Free Microsoft Office Alternatives

Microsoft Office AlternativesMicrosoft is a huge, famous company that is first of all associated with excellent quality, success and innovations. This mogul offers OS and software that works based on this system. The tech support team works great and can help you out with any difficulties. The interfaces of the products offered are intuitive and the features are impressive. To cut a long story short, everything about Microsoft software is fantastic and top shelf, even the price. Microsoft Office is a suite that every computer needs – it contains programs to work with text (that is inevitable), spreadsheets, presentations and more. Microsoft Office is a must for any PC, but it requires a monthly fee or a one-time purchase. However, the rule of the Internet about software and online services tells us that if there are popular paid products, there should be free alternatives to it. Today we will speak about free Microsoft Office alternatives that are not any worse than its famous and pricey counterpart.
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