Best Free YouTube Downloaders for Windows

Best YouTube DownloadersRecently we’ve reviewed YouTube-to-MP3 converters, and since the topic of YouTube downloading and converting is quite popular we decided to find the best free YouTube downloaders for our readers. However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We wanted to surprise you guys with a long list of decent, effective and nice looking programs to download YouTube videos with, but we can only offer you a list of 3 items. Hard to imagine, but the list of programs we didn’t include is 3 times longer; there are as many as 9 programs that we don’t recommend or that are not free. So, please accept the fact that this list is short not because we are too lazy to make it longer, but because we tried hard and still didn’t find anything better to offer. So here it is – our modest list of the best free YouTube downloaders for Windows.
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