Android vs. iPhone

Android vs iPhoneLately, smartphone users are divided into two groups: Android supporters and iPhone worshipers. Not mentioning Windows phones, basically the majority of all users tend to have either an Android phone or an iPhone. The Android vs. iPhone battle is a pretty hot topic for all modern smartphone junkies. However, it’s impossible to select an absolute winner and to prove that one is better than the other. The point is to find what is better for you. We have shared our opinion considering the Android vs. iPhone rivalry to compare these smartphone types.
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12 Features of iPhone That We Want to Happen

Features of iPhone That We Want to HappenThere are people who like Pepsi and people who like Coca-Cola, dog people and cat people, party animals and couch potatoes. And there are also those who think that iPhone is the best and those who think iPhone is the worst. Let’s be realistic and admit that iPhone is a very cool, popular and even iconic device that has its pros and cons. Well, nobody’s perfect, so this is a natural thing. As for our team, we have iPhones and we love them a lot. However, there are some features of iPhones that we would like to have and we think are missing in this smartphone’s functionality. So, let’s take a look at the features of iPhone that our team would like to add to this popular device and that will help it to become the perfect smartphone for anyone.
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