The Top 8 Best Places to Download Free eBooks

Places to Download Free eBooksTechnology is constantly advancing, touching each part of our lives in one way or another, and the book industry is no different. eBooks have become increasingly popular over the last five years, for some people they’ve replaced the need for physical books all together. eBooks provide a convenience and portability you can’t get with regular books. After all, it’s difficult to take an entire 7 book series on a plane with you when you’re carting physical books around, but with eBooks all you need is your eReader or other device and you’re good to go. eBooks vary in price, some are cheaper than their paper and binding counterparts and some aren’t. But, of course, everyone loves to find places to get the things they love for free. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best places to download free eBooks.

1. Project Gutenberg: One of the largest sites of it’s kind, Project Gutenberg is 100% free and requires no registration. They offer over 45,000 free eBooks in multiple formats, including: EPUB, Kindle, HTML, and simple text formats.
2. Open Library: This digital library provides you with over 1 million free eBooks to choose from. Like Wikipedia the content on this site is constantly changing and evolving through user interactions and edits. You can download eBooks, upload eBooks, and explore the vast library that Open Library’s users have created.
3. With over 29,000 free eBooks to choose from, Many Books is a great choice for anyone looking for something new to read. They provide eBooks compatible with Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other formats for your convenience.
4. If you’re looking for a site with a wide variety of eBooks, then Free Ebooks is the place to go. They carry eBooks in all genres and make searching and browsing easy and fast.
5. Bibliotastic: This website not only offers a long list of free eBooks to download, but also offers free eBook publishing for those of you who are looking to get your eBook out into the world!
6. EPUB Books: Choose from thousands of high quality, free eBooks. Their eBooks are available in both EPUB3 and Kindle book format. The best thing about eBooks from this site is that they can be read on any eReader, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues!
7. Looking for a wide variety of free eBooks from all different genres in one huge digital library? Look no further than this great website. From popular novels to academic texts, Books Should Be Free brings you both entertainment and knowledge absolutely for free.
8. World Library: Choose from a long list of great free eBooks, search by author, and download them in multiple formats. World Library is a vast resource of free eBooks ready for you to dive into!

So, next time you’re looking for something new to read on your digital reader, check out some of these great websites. Whether you’re looking for romance, drama, classics, poetry, or even academic eBooks, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for amongst the sites on this list. And, don’t forget, IceCream Ebook Reader is compatible with multiple eBook formats. Turn your PC into an easy to use eBook reader and start reading your favorites right away!

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