Online Schedule Maker: Top 4 Choices

Online Schedule Maker: Top 4 ChoicesLiving in the modern world, we need to be in the right places at the right moments. A regular person has a lot of things going on, and it’s crucial to have everything scheduled for at least a week or so in advance. It’s nice to have calendars in front of you so you can visually see what’s planned. Another popular way to keep a schedule is by having them available through mobile apps. A good option is to have a calendar on a website since you can access it from any device or machine. Thus, we reviewed online schedule makers that will help you to have your schedules to hand all the time.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar is probably the first online schedule maker that you think about when thinking services of this kind. You can view the calendar in daily, weekly, monthly, or four-day views. For each day you can add an event or a reminder for something. You can choose to display your events, birthdays, and reminders altogether or you can disable these in the calendar. To add an event or a reminder simply click the cell with the right date and time. You may add a location, description, notifications, attachments, video calls, customize an event’s color, and add guests to see it (guests can modify the event, invite others, and see the guest list). Importing calendars, adding your friends’ calendars, and exporting the calendars is also supported by Google Calendar.Google Calendar

Localendar is an online schedule maker in which you can view your personal daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly calendar and add events to it. You may print out the created calendar or create a HTML file for further integration on the web. Importing events from Google Calendar, Facebook, Hotmail, Outlook, iCal, and Yahoo Calendar is supported along with exporting the events (except for Facebook, but with the support of export to CSV file). To add an event you need to enter its title, description, location, date, time, and duration. It’s possible to upload images, select the category of an event, set a custom background, repeat the event, and set reminders by email or on Twitter. You may also search through the events added. The color scheme of the calendar can be customized as well.Localendar
With this online schedule maker you can create an online schedule for up to seven days. First select the first and last day of the schedule and the start and end time of each day’s schedule. Then add objects to your schedule – select the day of the week, the start and end time of an event, its name, extra information, and the background color. As soon as it’s done, you’ll see the selected time and day highlighted in color marked with the event’s title. At least three objects should be added. The schedule can be saved as a PNG file or printed out. To publish the schedule you are required to add at least three objects. Before publishing it online, you can also protect it with a password. When it’s done, you get an individual link to the schedule for easy access. It can also be saved as an image, printed out, or edited.Schedule Builder Online

DayViewer is an online schedule maker that requires you to create a personal account to access your personal calendar through the website. You can see it in monthly, weekly, or daily view. Per each half an hour you can add a note, task, event, or payment. To do that, click within the cell area of the day column and the time horizontal line. Per each item you can also customize how long the alarm should last, the background color, title, and description. This service also supports showing the summary of the added events per a selected time period, which can be printed out. This online schedule maker supports email reminders, and you can search in the added notes, tasks, events, and payments.DayViewer

Having a calendar online is quite handy as you can access it from any device or computer. If you wish to not only use the online schedule makers, but would also like to have your schedule printed, take a look at our review of the best websites to create free printable calendars.

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