New Features of Icecream Ebook Reader

Icecream Ebook ReaderRecently, we did a huge and important update on the Icecream Ebook Reader and added new and awesome features to it for an even better eBook reading process. Finding a decent software to manage eBooks is a rather complicated process. That’s why we wanted to upgrade this program to become one of the most versatile and comfortable to use. We added new options that can help you to take total control over your eBook library organization along with each book in it. As none of the updates should be missed, we decided to list the major improvements of the Icecream Ebook Reader in this article.

Improve your reading experience by setting the appearance of the eBook Reader
If you go to the program’s settings you can find new additional settings that can change how the Icecream Ebook Reader reading process looks. Feel free to change font type, size and color of the text and the caption of the eBooks you are reading. In addition to that, background and workground colors can also be manually changed. In case the color scheme or font size you’ve selected seems is not that comfortable, simply hit the “Restore default settings” button to reset your inputs.

Add eBooks easily
Remember how you used to add books to the Library one by one? Well, we worked on this issue too. Now in the upper left-side corner there’s an “Add folder” button that will add a whole folder with electronic books to the Library.

To reach the highest comfort in adding new books, we added the drag and drop mechanism support that works both for detached eBooks and for folders.

Library categories
Users can now create custom categories for storing eBooks. The number of categories is not limited and it is possible to rename them. There are two ways to add an eBook to a category: either drag and drop the book, or use the “Move to” option from the Settings menu of a book (just right click mouse button).

eBooks can be added or removed to the categories at any time.

View/edit eBook properties
Right-click on an eBook to open its properties – there you will find information about the title, author, format, progress of reading, the date the document was last read on, its destination folder, and description. Values such as title, author and description can be edited manually.

In this same menu an eBook can be added to or removed from your Favorites, moved to or removed from a category, or deleted from the Library.

Clear Library and clear/restore the Deleted folder
In the previous version of the Icecream Ebook Reader it was only possible to remove eBooks from the Library and from the trash one by one. The same thing happened when restoring the eBook from the Deleted folder back to the Library. In the latest version of the eBook reader you can see the “Empty Library” button in the Library – press it to delete all the books and move them to the trash. As for the trash, hit the “Restore all” button to add all the eBooks currently listed in this folder back to the Library; press the “Empty trash” button to permanently remove the books from the Library.

Library export and import
Icecream Ebook Reader now supports exporting and importing the contents of the Library. To export the books currently listed in your Library press the “Export” button. To import the already exported file hit the “Import” button. With these features your eBooks from the Library will never be lost.

Icecream Ebook Reader now offers plenty of awesome and highly convenient features so users can enjoy their eBooks with maximum comfort. There are even more updates to come, so stay tuned!

5 thoughts on “New Features of Icecream Ebook Reader

  1. Si quiero descargar los libros epub o mobi a una carpeta de mi computador,… ¿Cómo lo hago? ¿Es permitido o no se permite hacerlo? Estuve tratando de descargar un libro epub y no encontré cómo hacerlo. Gracias por su respuesta.

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