Best Free Stock Photo Websites

Free Stock Photo WebsitesIf you compare the list of available vacancies today and ten years ago, you can clearly see the difference. Computer technologies and the Internet have brought us multiple new job positions that never existed before, like programmers, software developers, website creators and designers. Web design is a great occupation for artistic people as their creative skills can be combined with digital technologies. One thing that any designer should have at their disposal is a decent collection of images to use. Using any old image found on the web without permission breaks the copyright law; that’s why stock photo websites are inevitable for a designer. We picked the best websites with free images where you can get free stock photos.

Pixabay contains more than 400,000 free images. There is no need to register to download a picture selected (you can also choose its size) – simply insert captcha and you’re good to go. There is a possibility to message, follow a photographer and donate as well.

freeimages requires an account in order to download chosen images. Their sizes are available as is and can’t be adjusted. There are more than 410,000 photos available in the base and advanced search is possible too.

Unsplash shares ten photos every ten days. All of them are of high resolution, plus you can see ready-made designs with Unsplash images used in the “Made with Unsplash” section of the website. You can search by keyword, and simple filter by subject is available.

Pexels has less free stock photos available –2300 according to the website – however, each day they add ten more handpicked high resolution photos. You can search by keyword, and links to other resources with offered photos are at users’ disposal.

morgueFile offers over 350,000 images to download – no registration needed. Here, you can also search for pictures on paid resources like iStock, Getty, DepositPhotos and others. Before downloading an image you can manually adjust its size, which is a very convenient feature.

picjumbo is a collection of high resolution photos picked by the website owner, Viktor Hanacek. No registration required. There is a “Test Drive Image” option that can help you to preview a selected image in various templates. Donations are appreciated. Search by tags is included. is an ample resource with free stock images. All of them are handpicked by two of its co-founders and are of high quality and resolution. You can browse the website using keywords, check images of authors and add some to your favorites.

This free stock photo collection offers several thousand high resolution photos divided by category. Most of the images are posted on Flickr, so before downloading you can select the required resolution. No registration or captcha is needed.

Gratisography is a website where photographer Ryan McGuire shares his free photos in high resolution. You can select the right category, donate and download any image you wish within a single click.

Death to the Stock Photo
Death to the Stock Photo works in the following way – you subscribe to the newsletter and you receive images by email. It’s a great way to build your own photo collection, but not so convenient if you need a stock photo ASAP.

SplitShire is a website of photographer Daniel Nanescu, who offers his works in high resolution to download. You can browse from multiple categories or search by keyword. No registration or captcha is required.

Life Of Pix
Life Of Pix is a photo collection by Leeroy Agency that currently contains more than 500 high resolution photos. New images are posted every week to the website and you can download them within a single mouse click.

Kaboompics offers approximately 1000 pictures. Downloading these high resolution photos starts when you click the “Download” button. On this website, you can search by tags or by category.

New Old Stock
New Old Stock is a website offering vintage photos that you can download from Flickr, reblog or like on Tumblr. This is a pretty specific resource, but the number of images is impressive.

As you can see, there are plenty of free stock photo websites where you can download free images for personal and commercial use. Decide which one is more suitable for your goals and start using the best photos to create your masterpieces for free.

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