10 Funny Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

Funny Instagram AccountsSocial media today has turned into something bigger than a way to discover what’s happening with your former classmates and how your nonna is doing. In various online social communities you can find helpful reviews of products and services along with all sorts of tips and tricks. In DIY groups it is possible to learn about everything handmade from how to make the best pancakes to step-by-step instructions of how to build a house. Social media is also a great and ample resource of entertainment. We have collected our 10 favorite funny Instagram accounts that are a huge pleasure to follow.

1. @baddiewinkle
If you think that after you turn 30-40-50 you will most likely become a dull, grumpy grandma, this woman is here to prove you are absolutely wrong. She is ironic, super modern and, for sure, her biological age has nothing to do with her actual age (that corresponds to the type of life she is living and her outfit as well). You will be surprised, but she even did the ice bucket challenge which was actually pretty impressive. So high five baddiewinkle! Our team thinks you shouldn’t change a bit as you totally rock!

2. @waverider_
This is the account of a hilarious guy called Liam that copies pictures of female celebrities. He does the exact same pose, facial expression, wears the same outfit and copies the background so his versions of the pictures incredibly resemble the originals. The best thing is that this guy is not afraid to be funny himself, and that is why he currently has over 1.7 million followers. If you think of copying female pictures, the idea might seem silly and not that attractive, but Liam turns it into something super hilarious.

3. @miserable_men
Any man who has a girlfriend, fiancée, wife or daughter, regardless of his social status, religion, age and many other factors has at least once in his life gone shopping with a woman. Saying that men don’t really enjoy long hours of shopping is to say nothing. Following this account you will see how men spend their time while waiting for their female companion to pick the right outfit. There are men who are sleeping, resting, carrying bags and suffering in other hilarious ways so you will not be disappointed.

4. @fashiongrandpas
If baddiewinkle is an inspiration for all the party people, this account is a guide on how to gracefully age for fashionistas. To be honest, the majority of these fashionable grandpas are dressed with more style than the majority of young people that you meet on the streets today. They are all classy, sharp looking and very stylish. Seems like style only gets better in time. This Instagram account will not make you burst out in tears laughing, but it will give you a very pleasant surprise and a nice time while checking out these pictures.

5. @biddythehedgehog
This is an Instagram account about the cute adventures of a hedgehog. This adorable buddy simply can’t leave you without a big, sincere smile. Biddy the hedgehog is actually a traveler so you won’t find boring pictures of him in the same place. The sceneries are also phenomenal and very pretty. So for all the fans of nature and hedgehogs and everything cute – this account is a must.

6. @digbyvanwinkle
As we all know, pet owners are divided into 2 groups: dog lovers and cat lovers. We picked funny Instagram accounts for both. This one is about 2 Griffons whose names are probably cooler than anyone’s from our team: Digby Van Winkle and Aloysius Van Winkle. They wear awesome outfits (that are for sure much better than ours), make faces, pose and even drive a car. These 2 super adorable best friends will also make a day of any dog lover.

7. @cashcats
It’s no secret that cats are much more independent than dogs. To be independent you need to have some dough. So this account is dedicated to fancy cats that can afford a lot and are surrounded by dollar bills. The best thing is that all the cats’ facial expressions make you believe that these are some gangster cats, so you don’t want to mess with them and their money.

8. @peejet
This hilarious guy Photoshops himself into the pictures of celebrities like a boss. According to his pictures he is a close friend with Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce and Jay Z and a ton of other celebrities. Man, what a life! But seriously, this guy’s Photoshop skills are very impressive and all the pictures are also very funny.

9. @thefatjewish
This account is actually very funny if you are a person of the Internet and are tolerant of all types of humor (even the below the waist one) as here you can see some obscene language. However, over 1.1 million followers can’t be wrong. The owner of this account is Fabrizio Goldstein – a NY comedian and artist. He collects all sorts of funny pictures, memes, and print screens with funny comments from various social medias to make his account pretty awesome. His dog also has a profile, @toastmeetsworld, which is also funny and adorable.

10. @logreglan
This is the official Instagram account of the police of Reykjavik and it looks nothing like an Instagram owned by the police. Here you can find selfies of all sorts, pictures of lunches and bikes, and many other awesome moments from the policemen’s shifts that you don’t usually have a chance to see. They support gay pride, they are friends with parrots and bears, they feed ducks and ride in cars with cats. It is very curious and is amazing to see policemen as people with a perfect sense of humor.

Instagram is a great source of all sorts of visual information, but you can easily have some fun and a good laugh if you see pictures of these Instagram users in your feed. This list is just a small part of the funny zone of Instagram, but each of these accounts is definitely worthy of at least taking a look at.

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